I believe some things have come full circle at age 23. One sign of this is playing Wii with my parents, who bought one for themselves. It is saying a lot when your dad can beat you in Wii bowling, but I have accepted this and moved on. My mom bought it and I can beat her at anything she touches, so I think this makes up for it.
I find it funny how my parents, who, when I was growing up, never bought anything "cool" or "entertaining" go out and buy a Wii, an HD television, and a blu-ray player all in about a couple months' time. Perhaps it's a sign of the times, but I think they are just getting ready for retirement and stocking up on all the goodies now. Although, to give my dad credit, he was really into Dr. Mario on my gameboy when I was little. He might have played that more than I did. Dr. Mario was never as good as tetris, though.
I believe the best/worst introduction of technology for me lately would have to be the "genius" feature on iTunes. Best because I am discovering so much new music that I don't have time to listen to it all. Worst because I am spending more money on music than I ever have before, and on a tight budget, I don't have too much room for fringe spending. The Album Leaf, by the way, is the most beautiful music I've listened to since discovering Sigur Ros. Thank you genius. Speaking of music, the new Animal Collective album is coming out in a few more days, but I have discovered you can stream the entire album now on Rhapsody, so that's pretty cool.
More to come soon...stay in touch
Well I am more than willing to learn about animal collective since both yophil seems to enjoy it. I like Itunes but I find I like apple tv more.
Your father is a quiet man who has interests budding out every few years. I never see it coming. The Album Leaf is so sad, so beautiful. They keep it so simple. The Rhodes dirty electric piano sound projects a clean sound of optimism. Meanwhile, don’t think you will be able to conquer our mother on all video game platforms forever. I suspect she will be Wiiing it up through these winter days and this summer will find herself on marathon playing sessions. The day will arrive where she has the ability to win more often than loose and when that day arrives I promise you that I will play a Wii game with you if only for you to be able to beat a Wii opponent fair and square. Of course it will take a few minutes for you to win since I quit playing video games in the 1980’s, but it’s never too late for this Space Invaders champ to pickup these new systems of the 21st century and become a master once again. Don’t count on it, but I’ve found that in 2009 may things previously considered impossible are possible.