1. It's Denver. Enough said, really. Weather is great, although you think that it would be colder in the mountains. This is a falsehood, as recently reinforced by a friend who emailed me a snapshot of the 7-day forecast for this week. Want to know what the average temperature is for this week? I'll give you some guessing parameters: between 55 and 65 degrees and either partly sunny or sunny. Flip a coin if you need assistance.
2. There are roots already in place for me to get a firm grasp on the Denver lifestyle. Two friends, both with "real" jobs who are willing to cover my share of rent and utilities in the apartment we would live in until I, too, get a "real" job.
3. The flood has already messed up my living situation. To this day I have not gotten back into my apartment so it would not be a hassle to pack up and cancel my lease with a full refund.
4. I'm already networked to receive temp work almost as soon as I get unpacked. Plus a freshly replentished savings account, late paychecks, and an almost certain government stimulus check in the next 3-4 months would keep me on my feet until I find something permanent.
5. A possible guaranteed customer service position at a friend's company is a great backup full-time job.
6. Skiing and golfing in the Rockies. After I get a source of income, of course.
And now the Cons:
1. Family and friends. As corny as it is, I would hate to leave my family in Iowa and it would almost feel like turning the page on a lot of my friends.
2. Uncertain job market. This is the biggest unknown and probably the most difficult aspect of moving to a city. Secure job in Iowa vs. uncertain times in Denver... classic case of boy meets economic downturn.
3. Hippies. Colorado mountain hippies, the kind that go snowboarding and work in coffee shops. No, wait... that should go in the Pros section. Hippies are fun, especially when you could get free lift passes and coffee.
4. Moving out there would almost certainly require getting rid of all my furniture and replacing it piece by piece. It would also include the physical aspect of moving, which grows more and more painful each time I do so. 4 years of college and 4 apartments... I've been moving on average probably once every 7 to 8 months since I graduated high school.
This is such a mediocre list, as I feel there are several more things I could add to each column, but you can see my dilemma. I do feel though, that if this opportunity presented itself in a closer city, say, Chicago or Des Moines even, I would take it much faster than I'm currently sitting on this decision.
I guess to quote the Darjeeling Limited, I haven't found myself yet. how symbolic is that?